Tuesday, June 21, 2005

wind cries mary

this is the third draft that i've written up for this entry. for some reasons, i couldn't make it sound that i'm truly busy right now. i've got so much things going on at the same time right now. multitasking is something that i suck at.. big time. among others... my ankle's really sore from my indoor soccer excursions on sunday and monday nights, completed the self-evaluation for my performance review (if i don't get the promotion and/or the big, fat raise, then i don't know what else to do), and, oh, i took up another job within the company. now the latter's kinda interesting. i've been doing the same job for the last six years that i've been with the company. that's 2 years in the factory in perai and 4 years here in colorado. the job's really cool.. failure analysis. think csi or something like that, but instead of investigating crimes, i investigate why our products suck! and i'm not bored or anything predictable like that... it's an opportunity to move on. plus, the position's for staff engineer, which would be a step up for me (heck, i'm already drawing up plans for world domination by the time i turn 40! muahahaha!!). we're still negotiating terms since the new management seems to be not willing to promote me just yet (i guess i have to go talk to some veeps then). regardless, it's gonna be an exciting prospect for me. kinda nervous still but i think it's time i get out of my comfort zone and lay down a challenge to myself. okeh for now. later!


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