Friday, April 01, 2005

stand inside your love

hola! how are you? hope you're in good health and better spirits. on average this week, i've been pretty good, thank you:) work is piling up but manageable. no conflict of interest or anything fun like that happening. went and visited the leeds school of business at CU. the last day for the fall 2005 intake for the mba program is.. today! hampeh.. was so raring to go already! damn it. the evening mba program, which caters for working professionals like moi ('student' is not a profession k.. hehe), is still open. but it's gonna be applying a flat rate of fees. this means that i cannot apply as an in-state applicant (which means a bit more cheaper ler). so, i'm gonna think long and hard about it. then swung by the college of engineering to enquire about graduate studies in electrical engineering (masters of science) or engineering management (masters of engineering). but the graduate advisor was already out of office and won't be back till monday (note to self: come in earlier). you may ask, why this sudden interest in further education? well, lotsa reasons. education is a big part of my family. both of my parents are educators (my mom has since retired) and the emphasis on it has been lost on their children. from a very young age, the importance of education has been ingrained into our little heads and that the well-being of our respective prospective lives depend on how well we're 'educated'. i could say that us siblings haven't done too shabby in our achievements. we may not have straight A's start performers, but enough. a good friend and colleague has been persistent in taking classes from CU, my roomie has just got accepted into the graduate program at CU, and another colleague has decided to take some classes as well. that leaves me. to me there's the personal challenge. i believe in our society, academic achievements are very much a gauge of how smart someone is and how far he/she can go in life. while this may be far from the truth, most high achievers that i've had the privilege to meet are exactly that. people with plans and driven. it makes sense to me. this would present a tremendous challenge to my inner self. my roomie's been commenting on how much he feels 'brain-dead' from the lack of stimulating assignments he's been getting. don't get me wrong, my job's pretty damn stimulating, but i've been slacking off for too long, too much! plus, all i need to do is score a C grade or better and the company's gonna reimburse me 100%.. is that a good deal or what!! WTF! if i can't take advantage of this opportunity, then un-officially, i'm the biggest loser ever! that sucks. the plan now is part-time mba and part-time engineering, possibly in control systems. one class each for every semester. gotta start somewhere. been putting this off for nearly four years now since i moved back to the states. time to act! wish me luck people! do have a great weekend ok!
*Note: after 6 gruelling weeks of physical exertions, way beyond comprehension (ok, i'm exaggerating a little bit), the 6-pecs that i've been craving for is still nowhere in sight *sigh* hence i'm gonna extend that for another four weeks. my resolve is still strong. thank you.


Blogger crazycorpse said...

'birthday present', that's singular right?! hehe.. sure, nor prob.:)

5:50 PM  
Blogger Itchy said...

Wow! I dint know that. Go buddy, Go. It's sooo worth it!!

5:48 AM  

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