Tuesday, March 22, 2005

my hero

wah! could've never imagined such overwhelming response i got yesterday. i must be getting popular with the ladies hehe.. thanks!! definitely made my day:)

anyways, am still kinda bummed out from indoor soccer on sunday (a little bit) and was compounded by another heart-breaking loss (our fourth on the trot) on monday night in boulder (arrgghh!). but such is life.. win some, lose some. glad everybody's cool about it though. sometimes you can't be too serious about stuff. you have to able to laugh at yourself more. and kudos to my dear sister for drawing, urm, inspiration from my continuous pursuit of fitness (hehe..!) BERUSAHA-LAH!! still haven't seen the blazing red satria. din was supposed to sms me the picture. but nada. expect it to be as good-looking as it sounds. pictures please. now i really can't to wait to put in a new engine in her. think i'm gonna name her too!

i've been indecisive alot of times in my entire existence. i'm sure it's true to most of us mere mortals. it may be attributed to the fact that i'm a gemini (never believe this though). hence a simple, straight-forward question such as "what one thing in this world that would make me happy?" seems so hard (thanks, lissa. now you got me 'burning' some brain cells, thinking! hehe!). why? i dunno. it may be true that i have alot in mind, but i should at least have a hint or two. or maybe it's because i could be happy with a lot of things, just differing in the degree of happiness. but one thing? uno? impossible. methinks. but i don't think enough.. how?

has anyone never had a bad day before? i dunno about this one too. they may have bad days but 'chose' not to treat it as such. can you? well, nevertheless, do have a good day and stay safe always! ciao!


Blogger gutsygal said...

haha LOL u sound like me...i am a Gemini... i bet u r typical wan...LOL hahaha

9:05 AM  
Blogger silent reverie said...

i'm a gemini too...any difference or not between male and female gemini? guess not!

all i know is, i'm very indecisive...yet a fun person to be with LOL...(angkat bakul sendiri)

7:54 PM  

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