Monday, March 21, 2005

rocky mountain oysters

we lost the championship game last night *bummer* we lost it on a golden-goal (meaning: the game was tied at the end of regulation (we were tied at 3-3) and we had to play an additional 5 minutes sudden-death, first team that scores win). it wasn't a good way to lose but it happened. we probably won't feel as bad if we'd won. we had most of the possession and more chances, but we didn't put them away. in retrospect, the season has been a success. we won 5 games, lost 2, and drew one game. we lost both games to the same team. i put together the team after so many seasons of underachievement. this new team is more competitive and more solid in every department. we probably need a better goalie though. we'll come back stronger. and we definitely want them 'champions' t-shirts!!


Blogger silent reverie said...

awww sorry 2 hear that u all lost in the championship. but at least you all did put up a good fight right? there's always next year and they yr after... :)

6:55 PM  
Blogger lissaism said...

okeh, me, for not checking into ur blog for quite some time..ari ni paper crab to rocky mountain oysters (is it me..or u are going into seafood diet here.. though the sounds of spicy calamari tu mesti undescrribly sedaappppppppp..) anyhoot, chill, k.. u sounded stress.. i thought exercise gives you endorphines..endorphines makes you happy..true? so bout my 'one question to rule them all' tu.. toksah amik masa lama2 nak jawab.. answer it simple la. i am interested to know if the article is true.. so i'm testing it on you (and some other 8 poor fellas of mine)..

my take on u so far? nak tahu? just my 2 cents worth eh...

it's no wonder it takes you longer than 5 second just to answer the question, coz from reading your blog, you have a lot of interest and you yourself have set a lot of expectations on yourself..

but then again sapa lah saya.. bukan seorang professor utk menulis sebarang journal pasal human behaviour, ye tak?

cc, take care k

7:06 PM  

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