Friday, March 11, 2005


well, it's been another hectic day at work. i'm spent. at least it's friday and another weekend for myself (meaning no work and/or on-calls for work). and i've bought a few manga titles that should keep me occupied for tonight, plus another daniel silva novel, 'the unlikely spy'. i've done reading 'the confessor' a few days ago and found it left wanting in a few plots, somewhat lacking in depth, relative to dan brown's 'the da vinci code'. wow! these 'fiction' novels about church conspiracies and the knights templars and priory of scion and mossad and assassin-for-hire are really, really intriguing. lets see how mr. silva's debut would stack up againt these other novels.

i've written a little bit about how i view the 'imperfections' in women to be wonderful traits (?!).. something to celebrate even. what are these 'imperfections'? most of the women that i've met and known are overly conscious about their physical traits, that they've basically put up a 'protective shell' to guard their inner consciousness from public exposure and scrutiny. and most of them have some attitude to boot too. this may be caused by how the general feeling towards this materialistic world dictates what we wear and how we look, especially to the female gender. first impression always counts. still i find it beautiful and refreshing on how cute(?!) they can be acting amidst their ever stern and aggressive outlook. how can't you find it 'funny' when you talk to your gf over the phone after buying her a pair of shoes and you know that she's wearing them in bed at that time? i love that aspect of eccentricities, of being honest and trying to be vain and admitting all that with a hearty laugh. God.. i'm a total sucker for all things cute;) again, this is based on my personal experience, and with a grand sample size of 2 (this alone had me violating the fundamental principle of six-sigma), i may be stretching the truth a bit. but hey, tell me what you think.

ps: i took a few days writing this entry, and still i don't have the slightest clue of what i was trying to say.. hopeless.


Blogger lissaism said...

hopeless schmopeless..
i get what you mean..

yepp dan brown's da vincci code was great..took me only half day to finish it coz i can't seem to put it down..

the note at front says every facts, rituals and watever are true.. so there goes without saying that today's world of christianity has been somewhut altered..

bukan buku tu dah kene ban ke?

6:56 PM  

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