Saturday, March 05, 2005

dont go back to dalston

have you ever thought about trying to make your life better? most people probably have, but how many of us have actually achieved what we set out to do? i'm pretty sure many of you out there have tasted sweet success in one way or another. growing up, i think i dreamt of alot of things that i wanna do, i.e. be the first malaysian tennis grand slam champion (wimbledon yeah!), or be playing professional soccer for manchester united, or be a super cool, sexy spy ala james bond etc. etc. well quite obviously none of them has happened of course.. not even close, but have willed me to aim high. during those formative years also i've began to 'plan' for my future more realistically. what do i wanna do after high school, after college, and so on so forth.. and definitely never have imagined myself being at where i'm at right now, being an average student and what-not. on the flip side, i could've ended up worst too. so, the lesson here is never stop dreaming about what you want to achieve, but keep your feet on the ground and work your butts off too. be grateful with we have now.. a good career, a loving family, never have to worry about putting a decent meal on the table, some nice pairs of high heels, a freaking sports car, and what-have-yous.. and keep on striving for a better tomorrow! God willing... okeh, i'm off to borders again for some reading (for free). my dear friend the sickman from jb/singapore got me hooked to 'naruto' and me like, have to add this title to my swelling collection of manga... dude, lagu mano aku nok save pitih nok nikoh nih?! hehe.. comic boleh buat hantaran jugak ke?!


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