Sunday, February 20, 2005

stop whispering

it's sunday here in colorado.. and a particularly gorgeous day! makes me wanna get up and do something useful. i actually did. i woke up early since i slept early last night. couldn't get through to mia.. stoopid phone line (i use a calling card to call malaysia.. maybe it's time to change card lor). i'm gonna try call her again tomorrow. then i went back to sleep.. or at least i tried, but couldn't. felt nauseous a bit afterwards. and i actually hit the gym this AM. wah! can't believe i'm this motivated! if only i'd sustain this kind of drive in my life, i could be better off now *sigh* the good news is, people, it's never too late to change your lifestyle.. all it takes is a little nudge and a bit of a change in mentality. so, good luck eh!

oh, i guess i haven't told you what i have in mind in the last few weeks (other than sex and all those good stuff.. hehe). i've always been getting Q's about how i'm getting through life abroad, away from all things, i.e. activities, and all the people that i'm familiar with. i'm writing this based on my own experiences of course (macam disclaimer-lah nie), so you can read on, digest, and take or heed this in whichever way you think is fit. okeh now, it takes a heck of an effort to even think about moving abroad. i have to admit that the lure of working/living abroad has always been an attractive proposition since as far back as i can remember (ah, such romantic).

when i was younger (i still am young *wink*), me dad came to the states for his masters degree in michigan. he brought the whole family along.. that's me mom, and all five of their children. it was quite an experience for me i must say.. the changing of the seasons, the soccer sessions where i was the smallest kid on the team, the elementary school that i attended with my kid sister, the road trip to chicago, the big-ass wagon that my dad drove, the halloween parties, and, oh, k-mart! haha.. lotsa memories! then many years later, i got accepted into a college in the states (nothing beats hardwork), and that was when i realized that a lot of things are 'do-able' in the states, including me getting a fairly decent job, as a professional some more! after graduation, two months and an interview later, and oh, i was going through a bad breakup, i gave up. i was already offered a position in a US-based multinational company in perai but that wasn't the same. i went home and started working, no, grinding, at the said company's factory for nearly two years. then an oppotunity presented itself...

the factory was shut-down due to economical reasons. i updated my resume and sent it over to some people that i've worked with in the company's r&d center in colorado. i was offered a position in a coupla weeks. i accepted the offer without any hesitation. alas my dreams are coming through. in retrospect, the decision i made was due to a lot of reasons. for one, it's a professional decision. i was offered an opportunity to further enhance my career in an r&d environment of a 40k-employee multinational company that's listed on nyse, now that's huge! when you surround yourself with smart people, you'll feel smarter too. then, the pay's good. colorado is a bit pricey, but it all depends on your lifestyle more-or-less. and i'm not gonna start talking about what you should do with your money and life.. you wanna live your life to the fullest, and you also wanna have something to fall back onto too. balance it out. okeh, moving along.

another reason was personal. it hit me rather more profoundly than i expected. breaking up is a hard thing to do especially when you know, or feel, that you two are still madly and deeply in love with each other. but i also realized that i can't force the issue. there was a pitch-black, blurry period in both of our lives that had defined our livelihood since then. too sad of an event. but we've moved on since then. and a way for me to 'move on' was literally to move. please understand that i wasn't running away from it. we've already made up our minds and, at least to me, it would be easier too. so, that was that. i'm working on a new 'chapter' in my life. she's the one.. always so uptight and serious. hmm i have to make her smile more.

anyways it's all relative really. we can't really understand the motivation(s) of other people's action. but at least try to understand ours. about all those paths that we've taken and how are we living with those life decisions. live and learn. i'll write more about my experiences of living abroad in future posts. ask if you want to know any specifics.. i'll gladly share them with you (if not, i'll just bs you ler hehe). oh, btw, i've been thinking about taking aikido lessons, swimming lessons, tennis lessons, and buying a bike (road or mountain? arghh..). think only, no actions yet! i'll keep you posted though. till the next time, maybe tomorrow, hope you're happy and living your life as you've always wanted to. keep in mind that even when some people are more filthy rich than the others, they might not be as happy as you are. take care.. ciao:)


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