selling the drama
i don't really have anything important to discuss in this space. ramadhan so far has been great and blessed. it helps also that i work indoors with air-conditioning and all. the humidity, or lack there of, has been the one factor that is killing me though. it's dry here.. with thin air. but it's not as bad as the first couple of years that i moved here. been re-hydrating my body thoroughly during the night. and i can say that i'm living quite the spirit of the holy month more here than i've ever been back home.. in the sense that i seem to have more time for prayers and to reflect and consuming just good enough portion of food and drink. the main factor that i can offer you is that i'm not being tempted by the absurdly many pasar ramadhans that offer ridiculously lots of delicious food and drinks for break fast (or for gorging the living daylight of out you for the rest of the night). *sigh* i miss home.
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